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Главная » 2012 » Февраль » 17 » Полиэтиленовые пакеты
3:12 PM
Полиэтиленовые пакеты
nullНайпоширеніший з них це пакет типу "Майка"  Свою назву одержали за характерну будову ручок. Саме вони забезпечують міцність цього пакета навіть при малій товщині стінки, а наявність бічної складки робить його містким.

nullПакет типу "Банан" - пакет виготовляється з поліетилену низького, високого та змішаного тиску. Пакети типу "банан" - більш естетичний і презентабельний тип пакетів, оскільки дуже незначно спотворюють нанесений на них фірмовий малюнок.
Просмотров: 6512 | Добавил: Lobanovskiy | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 2
2 Davidnaive  
Dive into the world of youthful exploration with this collection of <a href=https://bit.ly/3H1iivC>most-popular teen videos</a> in the teen category. This compilation showcases the best of the best, featuring a variety of teen performers in their most intimate moments. From solo scenes to passionate encounters, these videos offer a tantalizing glimpse into the world of teen desire. Each video is carefully selected and curated to ensure the highest quality content, making this compilation a must-watch for anyone looking to explore the realm of teen erotica.

1 Build and construct  
Metal roofs (photo 4) are noncombustible and can often be cut with an ax or power saw at the same time as the wood-roof sheathing to which they are usually attached for vertical ventilation. They provide precarious footing when intact and become slippery when wet. Metal roofing materials are sometimes applied over other types of original roofing materials when they have reached the end of their effective life.
Both wood and asphalt shingles and the wood-roof sheathing to which they are attached are easy to cut with an ax or power saw, making vertical ventilation an option in structures with these types of roofs. http://buildconst.site11.com
Slates and tiles are difficult to cut with an ax or power saw. They must be broken with a maul or an ax for access to the wood-roof sheathing to which they are usually attached, for vertical ventilation. http://construction.uphero.com Slates and tiles are much heavier than wood or asphalt shingles or metal roofs, and the supporting structure must be designed and built to support this weight (dead load).

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